
Johannes Gutenberg has given us letterpress printing, but it's up to you to master it!

Compete with your rival wordsmiths in Letterpress to craft the most impressive words and win first pick of letters to add to your collection. Choose wisely, for you will find any you leave in the words of your opponents, and the player who uses their stored letters to greatest effect will spell victory.

Playable by up to six players, with solitaire rules pitting you against the industrious rotary printer, Letterpress offers an enticing challenge sure to appeal to gamers and word-lovers alike.

Tervező (BGG) Robin David
Szabályzat nyelve EN
Nyelvismeret Nyelvfüggő
Játékosok száma 1-6
Minimum ajánlott életkor 14+
Nehézségi szint Medium (2)
Legjobb játékosszám Best with 2 players (3 votes)
Játékidő 20 perc
ID 294294
Típus boardgame
Játékmechanizmus Closed Drafting, Finale Ending, Open Drafting, Solo / Solitaire Game, Spelling

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